Thursday, June 7, 2012

Back on track with myself after a few important/difficult/exciting/ happy/ not-so-happy/ but important months

Dear Mom, Today I realized that I haven't written since March! Today (well since this weekend) I've put myself back on track after a few _________(see the title) months. April and May were a clusterf*ck frankly of a lot of things coming together, ending, refreshing, etc. I flew to NH for my sister's birthday. I visited Rachel in NYC for a night of laughs and good food. My relationship hit an all time low...leading to my own personal strengths all time high. My relationship was set back on track with new terms, new happiness, new vigor, and a new clear focus and some cleaning was done in the process. I left the nanny job. I got a new job, and love it. I started working out regularly again. I co-coached my first synchronized skating team. I visited a friend while she visited the area for the Warrior Games. I bought some new books to read. I bought a blender. I gave away some old "fat" clothes. I re-fell-in-love with Colorado Springs, Cerrita, and myself. Oh! and I've officially become an story later :) Whew! See....i haven't been just lolly-gaggin' around...i've been doing some real visible and invisible growing and learning. Without going into too much annoying detail about each item listed, I'll do a basic recap of the "big'uns." My sister's birthday was very fun, and so was drinking at "sea level" again...I'm a tank again, but a two beer queer at high altitude :) I can't believe she is 21...every time she gets older I feel WAY older. Rachel is gorgeous as ever and I miss our college days together more often than I am willing to admit out loud. She da best! Skipping relationship for a mini moment. I left the nanny job for a "real" job that offered interaction with adults, professional dress codes, a stable schedule, and more money. The kids I was a nanny for were great, most days, and I learned a lot once again about my one day children (or nieces and nephews)and left for financial and regular scheduling reasons. I was honest, as always, with the them and told them i will always miss and think of them and hope to run into them from time to time. I love the new job as a receptionist at a dental office in the area. I have made a few work friends, I have lots of independence, and i have already impressed the pants of all the doctors. Win for me! This job allows for more money and a regular I've been able to catch up on my application for the ALT teaching license endorsement for Colorado. I want to start teaching in August, but life happens and I won't beat myself up for that, so if I start in january...success will still be mine :) I'm back on track with my health and nutrition and determined to reach my goal by Christmas! This just my be the first time I reach a NYE resolution. This is the second to last week with the synchronized figure skating team (its not a private team, rather one sponosred by the local Learn to Skate program) and I am so proud and a bit sad to have this experience come to a close. Those girls are awesome and a breath of fresh air every Thursday night! New books have yet to be completed. blender = smoothies all the time...margaritas coming soon. And...I have become more of an adult recently as I noticed a peculiar reaction to something I saw one night. One night while driving home, I saw a few teenagers crossing the road. It appeared at first as if they were acting like apes crossing the road, but upon closer approach I realized they were placing some sort of basic pop-explosive (the things you throw at the ground and they pop and smoke I guessed) and that is why they looked so odd while crossing the road. At the same time i realized exactly what they were doing I noticed that cars were swerving around the objects in the road and traffic was beginning to build up in that lane. *Note* I live on a street shared with the back entrance to a hospital that is primarily used for its ER and the elderly in town. Immediately, I am irritated and upset by these teens. I think to myself, I am going to call the cops if this doesn't come to an end in the next five minutes--it did. My mind raced with the dangerous possibilities of this juvenile prank and suddenly I stopped...and realized that I was officially an adult. This was no longer amusing, I no longer wanted to "one up" them with my own creative prank, and...i was ready and willing to take action. This may not seem like a big deal, but to felt huge. I am an adult. Youth has not quite left me, but adulthood keeps bringing in more luggage and plans to stay for the long haul. Finally, on falling in love and have lot to share but only a few words. I love Colorado Springs again after visiting the top of Pikes Peak via the Cog Railway. Its awesome. Visit. Do it! I also love that I've learned the area so well in my time here and feel like I really and truly live here and am not "new" anymore. Cerrita and I had a real rough patch. Enough said. Out of that patch came a lot of honest conversations and some real growth for the two f us in our relationship. I've noticed a huge positive change in her, which is not at all superficial, and it has made all the difference for the two of us. We are making each other better again and we are growing and loving and laughing and enjoying each other. Rough patches are sometimes necessary if you recognize them as teaching moments. I am again happy and madly in love with her. And, I'm in love with myself all over again. I hit a bit of a slump (part of the rough patch's roots)and the new job, the positive turn in our relationship, returning to the gym, and taking regular positive "Me time" to accomplish things and relax has let me almost rediscover myself :) So Momma, I'm doing alright. i'm sorry I fell of the radar, but thank got I'm a Capricorn and us goats, we're no strangers to climbing back to the top from time to time! I miss you. I love you...please do something about the hail here ;) Love, ME

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