Wednesday, October 9, 2013

New City, New Lessons, New Outlook

Dear Mom,

Today I...well, today I want to do several things but I think I'll only skim the surface to give myself a framework to work from. I don't want to miss a thing and there is quite a lot I need to catch you up on in my life.

I've learned a lot since I last wrote (even though we speak more often than I write, I feel better covering it all for good measure) and here is my little self organizing list / teaser in no particular order.

1. My own strength
2. The value of good friends / quality people
3. Abandonment
4. My professional self
5. Bravery

I'm going to start with #4...

I absolutely love my job at Il Vicino. It is not my dream job, but it makes me very happy and I feel good going to and leaving from work each an every day. That in itself is a very impressive, important, and rare thing (at least for me in recent years) and I cherish this fact.

I have an amazing set of co managers and together we are all constantly striving to do better, help each other catch minor mistakes and do even better again, and keep the restaurant a thriving, prosperous, fun place to be and work. The level of friendship and professionalism that is always present astounds me when i sit back and think about it. I trust these women, I admire these women, and I'm happy to work with them. I am getting better as a manager and as a professional each week that passes. Additionally, I really love the fact that the owners are so involved. I know 2 of the three and have had meaningful conversations with them. They are real people, with real passion, and a real vision that they've realized and keep pushing forward for bigger and better new horizons. I can't wait to be that to my set of managers and staff one day!

Since starting my post, I've also learned that I have a great capacity for putting people at ease in difficult situations. I'm not entirely sure where it comes from but I've noticed that I am able to see immediately to the root of problems and fix that, not the symptoms. At the end of the day people want to feel like they were important, cared about, and welcome...things should feel easy. When they don't = problems. Guest and staff...this is true of all.  I've also learned that I still LOVE TO LEARN and am always asking and reading and trying things to make myself better. I want to streamline my skills, my thinking, my actions...everything! so that I look and feel as though I'm in control, calm, friendly, and assertive. Each day I really try to get better at something...I'm hoping to look back in January (after my first 6 months) and see a real trend of growth and development.

Next number, tomorrow evening!

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