Monday, September 24, 2012

Fortune's Wheel

Dear Mom,

         Today I am going to write about some of the lessons, self reflections, and other odd topics on my mind since the last post/rant. I have learned that Fortune's Wheel sometimes turns extremely slowly and that everyone, yes everyone, has their time at the very bottom and the very top of that big bad boy. Patiently waiting for the Wheel to budge and pull you upward again is the hardest, but most crucial feat to accomplish. (*Note: I am not saying that life is all about things happening to you, I work and I work hard alllll the time, but sometimes you just can't "win" no matter how hard you work/ much effort is put forth) Once you can truly and honestly learn to accept what you cannot change and somehow find enough peace to sleep at night and find pleasurable moments in your day, then you have accomplished the feat I am making reference to above. So, what has happened now that I'm no longer dragging my toes along the gritty bottom of the Wheel, you ask? A few things!
        First and foremost, Cerrita's health is on the up turn. Fewer medications, restless nights, pain has greatly decreased, and docs and nurses have been amazing since we learned a little more about the medical field, ranks, and insurance regulations, etc. I am truly thankful to our local pharmacist who answered at least 5-10 questions per visit for Cerrita and I, and I am also most thankful to her primary care Doctor ...she is smart, organized, creative, and easy to relate to...holy did we get lucky!
       Second, I found a second job after looking and applying and interviewing diligently for about 2 months. I work at a great deli (it is a Franchise chain is all I will say on here) and am really loving it.**
Cerrita found a new, better, less-stressful, job and is slowly but surely jumping back into "the world" after her body went through a lot and the previous job as a service advisor at that specific location was not working out (for mind, soul OR body). She is killin' it and I am proud of her drive and desire to not only contribute to our household finances, but for her desire to accomplish something everyday and still be true to herself and her own needs. this balance has always been something that is difficult for her. I am by no means a master of this in my own universe, but I commend and appreciate her for her efforts and success in this area.
     Third, I have been loosing weight like a mad woman and not even trying. OK, I lied a little...I'm trying but not that hard. No i don't have a tape worm, no i am not starving myself, and no its not some starvation unsustainable "diet." I have taken up what is called The Paleo Diet. I don't call it a diet, I call it a nutrition change because that is truly what it is at its core. I did extensive reading on the logic and rationale behind this "diet" and you should too! Here is why: I eat more on a daily basis than I ever have, yes more; I have natural energy all day (and often work 14 hrs in a day between the two jobs ) and never crash; I feel good. I just feel like I've always wanted to feel...the way I've explained it to friends and to Cerrita is that I feel almost like each day I get a sense of "welcome to your life, have a great day" washes over me. Haha...too much time in the Mts makes me a hippie I guess. Oh well. Anyway. I no longer eat processed foods, dairy, or grains. I eat a TON of lean meats, veggies, fruits, some nuts here and there, and eggs from time to time. Water is the name of the game, but I still allow myself morning black coffee and 1 "non-Paleo" meal a week. I've dropped 6 lbs in a week BY EATING and EATING A LOT OF FOOD! I won't go on and on, I'll just say that I've learned about my body and food so...if you want to drop lbs or want to try a natural route to energy, read about Paleo, and give it a shot.

**I left those stars there so that I would remember to make a life note. Earlier in this blog I mentioned that I was thinking about opening my own restaurant in Colo. Spgs. I still would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do that someday, but a good friend suggested just getting any job at a restaurant and learning as much as possible. So even though I', working at a franchise chain, I'm learning the basics of the bizzz and loving it. I'm already being groomed for shift manager and will get the official title in a few days after I can prove that I know the ropes of management!!! Do I want to teach? yes. Am  going to pigeon-hole myself into one single career path when I've got this great opportunity in my hands and am already advancing up through the ranks? NO WAY. Right now I am working to pay off my own student loans, help with household finances, and to soak up as much info as possible about restaurants and good customer service in this new field. I am still getting all my teaching ducks in a row, but if it turns out that the restaurant track is for me...I'll probably pursue it. Test scores are good for 3-5 years. I can and will always be able to jump into teaching. I am extremely happy with this second job that is turning out to be so much more.

So there you have it...finally a "my life is looking up" post, my girl and I are doing all right, I am happy and less stressed once again and looking forward to the future. Lots of lessons, I can tell I'm getting older, hopefully wiser...possibly even sexier with age ;)

I love you and miss you and talk about you all the time.
Love always,
